qubic.li GPU Mining
GPU Mining Pool - Experimental
This Mining Pool is intended for GPU mining only.
Be advised that this pool is providing external GPU-mining software that is not under control of the qubic-li team.
The extra mining fee will be directly deducted from you revenue/payout.
Payment will typically be completed within 24h after the epoch ends.
How we handle it
This Pool uses a single payment system.
At the end of each Epoch, the average score for that Epoch is determined and topped up by 10%. This total amount represents 100% of the revenue that can be earned, which is a maximum of 1,479,289,940 QUS. Of this amount, 20% is being used to pay the mining-fee as well as Pool/Computor Operation.
1. The average score for the current Epoch is 100 points. You earned 55 points.
2. The average score of 100 points is topped up by 10%, resulting in 110 points.
Your 55 points represent 50% of this amount, which is equivalent to half of one ID.
The maximum revenue for one ID is 1,479,289,940 QUS. We deduct directly the extra miner fee for the GPU-miner and a Pool/Computor Operation fee. As a result a payment of 80% will be done at once.
1,183,431,952 QUS per ID. You will receive 50% of 1,183,431,952 QUS, which is 591,715,976 QUS.
How to activate GPU
It's a cuda 12 miner. Only cuda 12 is supported. Min requirements are glibc 2.34 and AVX2 support on CPU.
To enable GPU, this options in appsettings.json:
1. add "allowHwInfoCollect": true => detect's capabilities of local machine
2. if only 1. is not working, add "overwrites": {"CUDA": "12"} => schould activate cuda 12 feature
Please be aware that since Qubic is still in development, the pool payout may be subject to adjustments based on the current network situation. For instance, if less than 100% of the found solutions can be written to the blockchain, the pool payout will be reduced by the percentage of missing solutions. Additionally, if we encounter any circumstances beyond our control, we may need to suspend payouts for an epoch. Joining the Pool with a significant amount of mining power or leaving/reducing power before the end of the corresponding epoch may lead to a reduced payout, depending ond how severe the consequences for the pool are. Please get in contact with us beforehand to discuss this matter.
GPU 矿池 - 实验性
该矿池仅用于 GPU 挖矿。
请注意,该矿池提供外部 GPU 挖矿软件,该软件不受 qubic-li 团队的控制。
付款通常会在 epoch 结束后的 24 小时内完成。
在每个 Epoch 结束时,确定该 Epoch 的平均分数并增加 10%。该总额代表可赚取收入的 100%,最高为 1,479,289,940 QUS。其中 20% 用于支付挖矿费用以及矿池/计算机运营费用。
1.当前Epoch的平均分是100分。您获得了 55 分。
一个ID的最大收入为1,479,289,940 QUS。我们直接扣除GPU矿机的额外矿机费和矿池/计算机操作费。因此,80% 的付款将立即完成。
每个 ID 1,183,431,952 QUS。您将收到1,183,431,952 QUS 的50%,即591,715,976 QUS。
这是一个 cuda 12 矿工。仅支持 cuda 12。最低要求是 CPU 支持 glibc 2.34 和 AVX2。
要启用 GPU,请在 appsettings.json 中添加以下选项:
1. 添加"allowHwInfoCollect": true => 检测本地计算机的功能
2. 如果只有 1. 不起作用,请添加"overwrites": {"CUDA": "12"} => 应该激活 cuda 12 功能
请注意,由于 Qubic 仍处于开发阶段,矿池支付可能会根据当前网络情况进行调整。例如,如果找到的解决方案中少于 100% 可以写入区块链,则池支出将根据缺失解决方案的百分比减少。此外,如果我们遇到任何超出我们控制范围的情况,我们可能需要暂停一个时期的付款。在相应时期结束之前加入大量算力的矿池或离开/减少算力可能会导致支付减少,具体取决于矿池后果的严重程度。请提前与我们联系讨论此事。
